These posts were written by guest authors sharing their knowledge and experience with Mindful Healthy Life.

Green Holiday Gift Wrap: 6 Easy Ideas
If you're tired of buying new gift wrap each year, only to throw it away or toss it in the ...

How to Become an EWG Verified Product
The EWG Verified mark from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a new tool for health- and environmentally-conscious companies, both big ...

Get your Family Yoga on this winter!
When my daughter was three years old, she asked me at least a few times a day: “Wanna see my ...

Gift Guide: Green, Local and Feel-Good Treats for the Whole Family
Purchasing from local small businesses gives you the satisfaction of knowing exactly where your dollars go, and many of the homegrown DC-area ...

New EWG Verified program helps consumers shop for safe products: Interview with EWG Researcher Nneka Leiba
The Environmental Working Group (EWG), which many readers already rely on for its tremendous Skin Deep Cosmetics Database, is rolling out ...

Exercises to Heal Postpartum Muscular Imbalances
A woman's body undergoes many changes during pregnancy that linger after baby arrives. Muscular imbalances contribute to the random aches and ...

Weston A. Price Foundation’s Sally Fallon Morell on Traditional Eating
Hearing Sally Fallon Morell's talk about traditional diets at the Weston A. Price Foundation's Wise Traditions conference was a turning point ...

Self-Regulation in the Digital World – A Necessary Balance (+ giveaway)
Our world is becoming increasingly digital. Technology is integrated into all aspects of our lives and has transformed how we ...

Medela Recycles DC Event
Medela Recycles and Forty Weeks recently invited Mindful Healthy Life to an event at the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Washington DC with local ...

Celebrate a Happy & Healthy Halloween with Teal Pumpkin and other tips (+ giveaway!)
As parents, we look forward to watching our children choose their Halloween costumes and map out the best neighborhood houses ...

Sharing the Vision: Robin Shirley on Take Back Your Health Conference
We here at Mindful Healthy Life wanted to hear from Take Back Your Health Conference founder Robin Shirley in her own words about ...

MommyCon DC 2015
The DC Convention Center filled with hundreds of parents, many wearing their little ones, to attend MommyCon last month. MommyCon is ...

An Introduction to Simplicity Parenting: Guest Post by Jenna Martin
In a world that can easily feel cluttered with information, distraction, and "stuff," the concept of "Simplicity Parenting" is gaining ...

Local events celebrate National Breastfeeding Month in Metro DC
Last week was World Breastfeeding Week, and August is National Breastfeeding Month. My family and I celebrated by attending a local ...

Cesarean Awareness Month Shines Light on State of Birth in Northern Virginia
Every April, the International Cesarean Awareness Network, or ICAN, celebrates Cesarean Awareness Month to bring awareness to its work. ICAN is ...

Why drinking water is essential to improve health, well-being & athletic performance
Chances are good that if someone is holding a health- or wellness-related event in Northern Virginia, cellular hydration specialist Julianne O’Dwyer ...

How to find balance during fall, the Ayurvedic vata season
If you've noticed a challenge feeling balanced during these busy back-to-school fall months, the wisdom of the ancient healing science ...

Four easy strategies for de-stressing and filling your cup
What mom couldn't use some suggestions on how to feel more grounded, calm and peaceful? Craniosacral therapist Sally DiCesare of ...

Healing emotions with Accunect
The first time I learned about Accunect, one of the healing modalities that Centreville mother of four Laura Freix uses in ...

One step at a time: reflections from a holistic health coach (+ giveaway)
"It's June, Mommy!" my 3-year-old daughter announced to me last week. "It was May, and now it's June!" I'm not sure ...

Lyme Disease: An Epidemic
Lyme disease is on the rise in our area, and it's something to think seriously about as you head outdoors ...

Screens and your children: A family therapist’s take on video games (+giveaway)
Bring up the topic of “screen time” at the playground or sports practice, and chances are you’ll catch some parents ...